The leading video resource in classical music, opera, dance, and jazz for libraries

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Bring the magic of the performing arts to your patrons

Watch our trailer and discover why is the ultimate resource for your patrons, and one that you need in your performing arts collection.

The world’s largest online catalogue of classical music and jazz videos

4,000+ videos

including concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, and master classes

150+ live events

streamed yearly with top-name artists at the world’s most prestigious venues

200+ new programs

added to our on-demand listings every year

How it works


Unlimited multi-user access, on-site and remotely; 4 languages and 10+ authentication solutions available


MARC Records, offline and online marketing resources, and weekly newsletters to help promote within your community


Usage statistics and direct support from our team available throughout your subscription

What our clients are saying is one of the most comprehensive providers of online content for classical music and is an indispensable resource for libraries. It offers content of interest to a wide range of audiences, and I highly recommend it!

— Keith Cochran - Music Collection Development Librarian, Indiana University, Bloomington

A great service for us for many years. The team has always been very quick and responsive. We highly recommend this resource to all schools of music who wish to bring a high quality resource for their students and professors.

— Monika Pietras - Assistant Librarian, Royal College of Music London

We highly recommend user-friendly platform, constant addition of new content, unique live streaming experience, and popular among our library clients, making it one of the best databases for public libraries.

— Xiao Feng Xing - eResources Selector, Content Services, Ottawa Public Library

Contact us

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